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Website Refresh!

Hello Panthers!

If you’ve visited our page before, you might notice that we have a new look. Our original website elements were no longer working correctly, so we’ve moved to a new theme! We are working to add back all of the content that was originally on the site, but a majority of it is up now, including some new things!

Voting FAQs combines and condenses the information found on our old FAQ page and some of the information originally on the Resources page. We hope this change brings all of the relevant, base-level information onto one page and answers some of the most important questions about registering to vote and voting.

The University of Pittsburgh Democratic Engagement Coalition is a new initiative developed by PittVotes and a number of democratic engagement student organizations and University programs. If you are part of a student organization or official University group that does things like register students to vote, educate about politics, or advocate for student voice, we highly recommend you check it out. We’ll write a longer post about it soon.

That’s everything for now! If you encounter any issues or have recommendations for what you want to see on the site, email us at! Happy April, all!